понедељак, 10. септембар 2012.

Punjeni plavi patlidžan

Con esta receta participo en el Reto de Septiembre de Cocineros de Mundo en Google+ en el apartado de Salado.

Stuffed eggplant. English translation is at the bottom of this page.

Za 4 osobe:
  • četiri manja plava patlidžana
  • oko 400 grama mlevene junetine
  • 2-3 kašike paradajz pirea
  • 2 manje glavice crnog luka
  • 2-3 čena belog luka
  • pola kašičice muskatnog oraha
  • pola kašičice sveže samlevenog bibera
  • kašičica slatke aleve paprike
  • 2 kašike parmezana
  • oko 150 grama mocarele
  • 4-5 kašika devičanskog maslinovog ulja

Vreme pripreme: oko 1 sat.
Težina: zahtevno.

Plavi patlidžan isečemo po sredini, uzduž. Zatim uz pomoć nožića i kašičice izdubimo svaku polovinu, da ostane oko 5mm spoljašnjeg sloja. Deo koji smo uklonili sitno naseckamo pa kasnije dodamo mesu. 

U tiganju zagrejemo malo maslinovog ulja. Na ulju propržimo sitno seckan crni luk dok ne dobije zlatno žutu boju. Zatim dodamo mleveno meso i pržimo dok ne promeni boju. Dodamo i naseckane ostatke patlidžana. Sada idu: so, biber, aleva paprika, muskatni orah, sitno seckani beli luk i paradajz pire. Zadržimo na ringli još 5-10 minuta i promešamo da se lepo sjedini.

Kad se sve lepo izmeša i sjedini, smešom se pune polovine plavog patlidžana poređane u tepsiji, namazanoj sa malo maslinovog ulja. Peče se na 200 stepeni C oko 30 minuta. Izvadimo iz rerne. Pospemo parmezanom, dodamo prstima iskidanu mocarelu, pa vratimo u rernu na još 5-10 minuta da se mocarela rastopi i malo zapeče.

Recept sam pokupio u Grčkoj. Pre patlidžana, naravno - Ouzo i grčka salata. E da, grančica koja je stavljena preko patlidžana kao dekoracija - svež origano. Isto je i u salati.

Stuffed eggplant

Serves for 4:
  • 4 small eggplant
  • 400 grams of ground beef
  • 2-3 tablespoons tomato sauce
  • 2 small onions
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • half a teaspoon of nutmeg
  • half a teaspoon of freshly ground pepper
  • teaspoon sweet paprika
  • 2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese
  • 150 grams of mozzarella
  • 4-5 tablespoons virgin olive oil

Preparation time: about 1 hour.
Weight: tricky.

Cut eggplant in the middle, lengthwise. Then with the help of a little knife and a teaspoon scoop out each half, and left around 5mm outer layer. Part that is removed should be finely chopped and later add to the meat.

In a saucepan warm up some olive oil. Sauté finely chopped onion until golden yellow. Then add the minced meat and fry until it changes color. Add the chopped eggplant residues. Salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, nutmeg, finely chopped garlic and tomato sauce. Simmer for another 5-10 minutes and stir it until it is combined.

With this mixture fill halves  of the eggplant in a baking pan with a little olive oil. Bake at 200 degrees C for about 30 minutes. Remove from the oven. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese, and add some mozzarella. Return to oven for another 5-10 minutes until the mozzarella melts and slightly brown.

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