Roasted green beans. Green beans moussaka. English translatioan at the bottom of this page.
Jedan naš subotnji klasik. Kao trudimo se da dva dana u nedelji ne jedemo meso. Ovo je jedno od retkih jela bez mesa koje znamo da spremimo.
Za 4 osobe:
- pakovanje smrznute boranije (Oko 500-600 grama. Možete svakako koristiti i svežu boraniju.)
- dve šargarepe - narendane
- velika glavica crnog luka - sitno naseckana
- 3-4 kašike maslinovog ulja
- šolja mleka (oko 200 ml)
- pola čaše pavlake
- dva jaja
- so, biber, biljni začin, ljuta aleva paprika - po ukusu
Vreme pripreme: oko 1 sat.
Težina: srednje-teško.
Poslužite uz čeri paradajz i svež origano. Prelijete sa još malo devičanskog maslinovog ulja.
Roasted green beans (Green beans moussaka)
Serves for 4:
Preparation time: about 1 hour.
Weight: moderate.
In a little olive oil briefly fry finely chopped onion. Until golden and translucent. Add the green beans. Add the grated carrot. Reduce the heat and sauté for 30 minutes. When you finish sautéing bean transfer it into a baking pan. Season to taste. Good whisk the milk, cream and eggs. Pour over the beans in the pan. Bake in oven at 200 degrees C for about 30 minutes.
Roasted green beans (Green beans moussaka)
Serves for 4:
- package 0f frozen green beans (about 500-600 grams)
- two carrots - grated
- large onion - finely chopped
- 3-4 tablespoons olive oil
- cup of milk (about 200 ml)
- ½ cup sour cream
- two eggs
- salt, pepper, herbal seasoning, chili powder - to taste
Preparation time: about 1 hour.
Weight: moderate.
In a little olive oil briefly fry finely chopped onion. Until golden and translucent. Add the green beans. Add the grated carrot. Reduce the heat and sauté for 30 minutes. When you finish sautéing bean transfer it into a baking pan. Season to taste. Good whisk the milk, cream and eggs. Pour over the beans in the pan. Bake in oven at 200 degrees C for about 30 minutes.