- testo za picu
- 100 grama mocarele
- 100 grama gorgonzole
- jedna jabuka
- kašika-dve maslinovog ulja
- prstohvat soli
Težina pripreme: lako (ne računajući testo).
Vreme: oko 20 minuta (ne računajući testo).
E sad, svaka lopta jedna pica. Razvučemo u krug, na debljinu od 5 mm, sa nešto debljim rubom. Stavimo u tepsiju sa malo brašna. Premažemo maslinovim uljem, dodamo sireve i jabuke. U rernu na bar 250 stepeni C, dok ne porumeni.
Poslužiti uz crno vino. Ostaviti malo gorgonzole za posle večere. Uz vino. Pojesti malo i pre večere.
Uz vino.
Uz vino.
Najbolja pica koju sam probao.
Pizza with Gorgonzola cheese and Apples
You will need:
Preparation time: 3h (with pizza dough).
Weight: tricky (think of the dough).
When you make the dough, flatten it to a thickness of 5mm with a thicker rim. Put all the ingredients in the middle and bake 15 minutes at 270 degrees Celsius.
Pizza with Gorgonzola cheese and Apples
You will need:
- pizza dough (How to make pizza dough? Here is the original recipe from the Italian author Vincenzo Buonassis) - http://blog-chef.blogspot.com/2013/02/pizza-no1-kako-napraviti-testo-za-picu.html
- 100 grams of mozzarella
- 100 grams of Gorgonzola
- an apple
- some olive oil
- pinch of salt
Preparation time: 3h (with pizza dough).
Weight: tricky (think of the dough).
When you make the dough, flatten it to a thickness of 5mm with a thicker rim. Put all the ingredients in the middle and bake 15 minutes at 270 degrees Celsius.