Tagliatelle with smoked salmon & fennel. English translation at the bottom of the page.
Za dve osobe:
- pola pakovanja širokih rezanaca
- oko 200 grama komorača, sitno naseckanog
- 4-5 inćuna
- 4-5 kašika maslinovog ulja
- dve kašičice limunovog soka
- kašika maslaca
- sveže mleveni biber
- 100 grama dimljenog lososa - iseckanog na trake
- list od komorača, za dekoraciju
Vreme pripreme: 20 minuta.
Težina: lako.
U tiganju na malo maslinovog ulja i maslaca zagrejati naseckane inćune. Pobiberiti i dodati limunov sok. Ubaciti komorač. Ubaciti rezance i lososa. Preliti sa još malo maslinovog ulja i dobro izmešati.
Inače, komorač je dvogodišnja biljka. Raste po mediteranu i verovatno kod nas. Ima ovaj beli deo pod zemljom, stabla koja su zelena i rastu do dva metra i listove poput mirođije. Liči na celer a ima miris na anis (ouzo). Negde se i prodaje kao anis. Negde kao komorač. Video sam i natpis - komorač (anis). Čini se da je to isto, mada na internetu ima i drugačijih podataka. Nećete pogrešiti ni sa anisom ni sa komoračem. Pravio sam i sa celerom. To sam video od jedne TV-kuvarice iz Hrvatske, Ane. Sjajan recept.
Tagliatelle with smoked salmon & fennel
For two:
Preparation time: 20 minutes.
Weight: easy.
In a large saucepan bring the water to a boil. Put in some salt and olive oil. Put the noodles into the water and cook for 8-10 minutes. Drain.
In a frying pan in heat a little olive oil and butter, then add the chopped anchovies. Add pepper and add lemon juice. Insert fennel. Insert the noodles and salmon. Pour a little olive oil and mix well.
Tagliatelle with smoked salmon & fennel
For two:
- half a package of wide noodles
- about 200 grams of fennel, finely chopped (you can use celery as well)
- 4-5 anchovy
- 4-5 tbsp olive oil
- two tablespoons of lemon juice
- tablespoon butter
- freshly ground pepper
- 100 grams of smoked salmon - cut into strips
- list of fennel, for decoration
Preparation time: 20 minutes.
Weight: easy.
In a large saucepan bring the water to a boil. Put in some salt and olive oil. Put the noodles into the water and cook for 8-10 minutes. Drain.
In a frying pan in heat a little olive oil and butter, then add the chopped anchovies. Add pepper and add lemon juice. Insert fennel. Insert the noodles and salmon. Pour a little olive oil and mix well.