English translation at the bottom of the page.
Za dve osobe:
- pileći file, oko 300 grama, naseckan na štapiće
- 6 kašika brašna
- kašičica praška za pecivo
- voda - oko 100 ml (ili koliko je potrebno da sa brašnom i praškom za pecivo umutite testo gustine onoga za palačinke)
- dosta suncokretovog ulja, za prženje piletine
- 2-3 kašike kikiriki ulja
- kašičica sitno seckanog đumbira
- dva sitno seckana čena belog luka
- jedna manja šargarepa sitno seckana
- malo bibera
- kašičica ljute tucane aleve paprike
- prstohvat šećera
- 3-4 kašike soja sosa
- 100 ml vode sa razmućenom kašičicom gustina
- šaka kikirikija
- kineski rezanci od pirinča, kuvani 5 minuta, pa proceđeni i servirani ispod piletine
Vreme pripreme: oko 45 minuta.
Težina: srednje teško.
Dobro zagrejemo ulje u voku. Stavimo dodta ulja, jedno 2cm. Komade piletine umačemo u smešu od brašna, vode i praška za pecivo, pa spuštamo u vrelo ulje. Pržimo dok ne dobije zlatno žutu boju. Ne stavljajte sve odjednom. Pržite u nekoliko tura, a gotovu piletinu ocedite na kuhinjskom papiru i držite na toplom. Sada prospite ulje iz voka. Obrišite vok papirnim ubrusom. Dobro ga zagrejte, pa dodajte kikiriki ulje i u njemu jedan minut pržite: đumbir, beli luk, šargarepu, alevu papriku, prstohvat šećera i malo bibera. Sada dodajte soja sos. Kuvajte još minut, pa dodajte vodu sa gustinom. Neka vri još minut. Najzad u gotov sos vratite piletinu, promešajte i odmah poslužite, da bi ostala hrskava. Kikiriki po želji dodajte na kraju, ili pre piletine - u sos. Poslužite sa kuvanim pirinčem ili rezancima od pirinča.
Peanut Chicken
Peanut Chicken
Serves for 2:
- chicken fillet, approximately 300 grams, chopped into sticks
- 6 tablespoons flour
- teaspoon of baking powder
- water - about 100 ml
- a lot of sunflower oil, for frying
- 2-3 tablespoons peanut oil
- teaspoon finely chopped ginger
- two finely chopped cloves of garlic
- one small carrot finely chopped
- some pepper
- teaspoon cayenne pepper
- pinch of sugar
- 3-4 tablespoons soy sauce
- 100 ml of water with a teaspoon of cornstarch
- handful of peanuts
- Chinese rice noodles, cooked for 5 minutes, then strained and served under chicken
Preparation time: about 45 minutes.
Weight: moderate.
Warm up the oil in the wok. Mix flour, water and
baking powder. Mixture should be like the one for the pancakes. Pieces of
chicken dipped in a mixture and then into the hot oil. Fry until golden yellow.
Do not place all at once. Fry in a few runs. Drain chicken on kitchen paper and
keep warm. Now pour out the oil from the wok. Wipe the wok with a paper towel.
Heat up again and then add the peanut oil. Now add: ginger, garlic, carrots,
cayenne pepper, a pinch of sugar and a little black pepper, and fry for a
minute. Now add the soy sauce. Cook for another minute. Then add the water with
cornstarch. Let it simmer for one minute. Finally put back the chicken, stir
and serve immediately, in order to remain crunchy. Peanuts add at the end, or
before the chicken in the sauce. Serve with cooked rice or rice noodles.