Za dve osobe:
- komad ćurećeg filea od oko 400 grama (Isečen na recimo 3 šnicle, koje se dodatno istanje kuvarskim čekićem, pa se od svake napravi po 2 trake pogodne da se zarolaju kao ove na slici. Višak možete iseckati na kockice i koristiti za neko drugo jelo.)
- komad kačkavalja od oko 100 grama isečen na 6 štapićastih delova (ostatak je za preliv)
- 6 parčeta šunke ili pečenice isečanih na trake kao ćuretina
- 4 lista lovora
- četiri komada crnog luka, pogodnog oblika da se nanižu na krajeve ražnjića
- dve kašike prezle
- dve kašike parmezana
- 4 kašike maslinovog ulja
- so i biber po ukusu
Za preliv:
- komad maslaca od oko 30 grama
- komad plavog sira od oko 50 grama
- 30-ak ml belog vina
Vreme pripreme : oko 1h (pola za pripremu, pola za pečenje)
belo meso isečete na šnicle, izlupate kuvarskim čekićem, posolite, pobiberite. Na svaku traku koju ste dobili od šnicli staviti
parče šunke i komad kačkavalja, pa napraviti rolnicu. Na štapić nanizati tri
rolnice; između rolnica po list lovora a na krajevima ražnjića crni luk. U
jedan tanjir sipate malo maslinovog ulja, so i krupno mleven crni biber, u drugom izmešate prezlu i
parmezan. Ražnjiće staviti najpre u ulje, pa u prezlu i parmezan. Pržite ih kratko na tiganju sa metalnom drškom, da obe strane porumene. Ceo tiganj prebacite u rernu i pečete 20-ak minuta na
manjoj šerpi rastopite maslac. Dodajte malo kačkavalja kojim ste punili meso i plavi sir. Zalijete belim vinom i pustite da se rastopi u sos.
Turkey fillet
For two servings:
- A piece of turkey fillet of about 400 grams (Cut into 3 thin steaks, which should be additionally flattened by a cooking hammer.)
- Piece of cheese about 200 grams sliced in 7 thin pieces (one for the topping)
- 6 slices of smoked bacon or ham
- 4 bay leaves
- Four pieces of onion, suitably shaped for the ends of kebabs
- Two tablespoons of bread crumbs
- Two tablespoons of grated parmesan cheese
- 6 tablespoons of olive oil
- Salt and pepper to taste
For dressing:
- Piece of butter, about 50 grams
- Piece of blue cheese, about 50 grams
- Two tablespoons of sour cream (or milk)
Preparation time: about 1 h.
Level: advanced.
Cut white turkey meat into 6 steaks. Flat them with cooking hammer, ad some salt and pepper. Put a piece of ham and a piece of cheese on every piece of meat and make a roll. Take two skewers. Put 3 rolls on each of them. Put bay leaves between rolls and onion pieces at the end of kebab. Take two plates. In one plate put some olive oil, little salt and pepper, and in the other mix together bread crumbs and grated parmesan cheese. Put both sides of kebabs first in oil and then in crumbs-parmesan mixture. Then fry briefly (to golden-brown on both sides). Finish baking in the oven, about 20 minutes at 180° C (350° F).
In a small saucepan melt: butter, a little cheese, blue „moldy" cheese and sour cream. Pour over meat.
Za dve osobe:
- komad ćurećeg filea od oko 400 grama (Isečen na recimo 3 šnicle, koje se dodatno istanje kuvarskim čekićem, pa se od svake napravi po 2 trake pogodne da se zarolaju kao ove na slici. Višak možete iseckati na kockice i koristiti za neko drugo jelo.)
- komad kačkavalja od oko 100 grama isečen na 6 štapićastih delova (ostatak je za preliv)
- 6 parčeta šunke ili pečenice isečanih na trake kao ćuretina
- 4 lista lovora
- četiri komada crnog luka, pogodnog oblika da se nanižu na krajeve ražnjića
- dve kašike prezle
- dve kašike parmezana
- 4 kašike maslinovog ulja
- so i biber po ukusu
Za preliv:
- komad maslaca od oko 30 grama
- komad plavog sira od oko 50 grama
- 30-ak ml belog vina
Vreme pripreme : oko 1h (pola za pripremu, pola za pečenje)
For two servings:
- A piece of turkey fillet of about 400 grams (Cut into 3 thin steaks, which should be additionally flattened by a cooking hammer.)
- Piece of cheese about 200 grams sliced in 7 thin pieces (one for the topping)
- 6 slices of smoked bacon or ham
- 4 bay leaves
- Four pieces of onion, suitably shaped for the ends of kebabs
- Two tablespoons of bread crumbs
- Two tablespoons of grated parmesan cheese
- 6 tablespoons of olive oil
- Salt and pepper to taste
For dressing:
- Piece of butter, about 50 grams
- Piece of blue cheese, about 50 grams
- Two tablespoons of sour cream (or milk)
Preparation time: about 1 h.
Level: advanced.
Cut white turkey meat into 6 steaks. Flat them with cooking hammer, ad some salt and pepper. Put a piece of ham and a piece of cheese on every piece of meat and make a roll. Take two skewers. Put 3 rolls on each of them. Put bay leaves between rolls and onion pieces at the end of kebab. Take two plates. In one plate put some olive oil, little salt and pepper, and in the other mix together bread crumbs and grated parmesan cheese. Put both sides of kebabs first in oil and then in crumbs-parmesan mixture. Then fry briefly (to golden-brown on both sides). Finish baking in the oven, about 20 minutes at 180° C (350° F).
In a small saucepan melt: butter, a little cheese, blue „moldy" cheese and sour cream. Pour over meat.