Taco with pork. English translation at the bottom of this page.
Za ovakav tanjir:
- dvesta grama svinjskog filea (Uvek forsiram file. Dolazi u komadima od oko 300 grama. Nije previše skup. Mekan je i sočan. Sprema se za 10 minuta.)
- dve tortilje
- dve kašike gvakamole sosa (Ovaj sam dobio iz Meksika. Strašno je ljut. Razmišljam čime bi mogao da se zameni. Recimo, zelenim tabasko sosom. Ili nekim drugim čili sosom.)
- za salatu izmešate na trakice naseckanu zelenu salatu, šargarepu, celer, praziluk; sitno naseckan zeleni deo mladog crnog luka i list celera; dodajte malo rotkvice i ovaj pasulj iz konzerve; kašika sirćeta, malo soli i maslinovog ulja
- dve kašike pavlake
- so i biber po ukusu
Vreme pripreme: 30 minuta.
Težina: lako.
Najpre propržite meso naseckano na kockice. Kao što rekoh treba mu svega 10 minuta. Posolite i pobiberite.
Sada na tiganj sa kojom kapi maslinovog ulja stavite tortilju. Lako zapečete jednu stranu. Okrenete i zepečete drugu stranu. Sve ukupno 5 minuta. Izvadite je i u tiganj ubacite drugu. Dok se ona sprema, prvu tortilju namažete gvakamole sosom, stavite preko malo mesa, zatim salatu i na kraju malo pavlake. Savijete je i krenete da radite sa drugom, trećom... koliko god da ih pravite.
Taco with pork
Per person:
- two hundred grams of pork tenderloin, cut into cubes
- two tortillas
- two tablespoons of guacamole sauce
- for salad mix together lettuce, carrots, celery, leek chopped into strips; finely chopped green onion and celery leaf; add some radishes and beans; tablespoon of vinegar; a little salt and olive oil
- two tablespoons of sour cream
- salt and pepper to taste
Preparation time: 30 minutes.
Weight: easy.
First, fry the meat cubes. It takes only 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
Now put one tortilla in a hot pan with a few drops of olive oil. Bake both sides for 2-3 minutes. Remove the first one and put another in the pan. While the second one is baking, on the first tortilla put some guacamole sauce, then a few meat cubes, then a salad, and at the end a little cream. Roll it up and go to work with the second one.