среда, 22. мај 2013.

Mafini sa jagodama

English translation is at the bottom.

Za 10-ak mafina:

  • 200 grama jagoda
  • 100 grama margarina
  • 250 grama šećera u prahu
  • 2 jajeta
  • 10 kašika mleka
  • 300 grama belog brašna
  • 2 kašike praška za pecivo

Vreme pripreme: 30-ak minuta.
Težina: srednje-teško.

Jagode oprati i sitno iseckati. Mikserom  umutiti margarin i prah šećer. Dodat jaje pa mutiti dok se ne dobije penasta masa. U masu sada sipati brašno, prašak za pecivo i mleko. Dobro umutiti pa dodati seckane jagode. Izliti smesu u kalupove. Najjednostavnije je koristiti one od silikona. Peći 25 minuta u rerni prethodno zagrejanoj na 180 stepeni C. 

Ukrasiti secknom jagodom i krupno narendanom čokoladom.

By Brankica Mladenović
Chef's wife

Strawberry muffins

For 10 muffins:

  • 200 grams of strawberries
  • 100 grams of margarine (or butter)
  • 250 grams of powdered sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 10 tablespoons milk
  • 300 grams of flour
  • 2 tablespoons of baking powder

Preparation time: 30 minutes.
Weight: medium-hard.

Strawberries  - washed and finely chopped. Take a mixer - whisk the butter and icing sugar. Add eggs and whisk until you get a foamy mass.  Pour in the flour, baking powder and milk. Mix well and add the chopped strawberries. Pour the mixture into the mold. The easiest way is to use one made of silicon. Bake 25 minutes in an oven pre-heated to 180 degrees C.

6 коментара:

  1. Одговори
    1. Ha...Ha... Hvala. Kod mene već duže vreme samo gosti kuvaju. Ja samo slikam...

  2. Одговори
    1. Gracias. No es todo mío. Some are my fathers and few of my wife's. But yes they're good :)

  3. I will try this recipe. I love strawberry muffins but my recipe doesn't works good. So these seem amazing! Ciao Ada

    1. Thank you. It's my wife recipe. Lately I have no time to cook so I just take pictures of other people's work... Good pictures though :)
