четвртак, 19. јул 2012.

Punjene tikvice

English translation is at the bottom.

Za četiri osobe potrebno:

  • 4 tikvice srednje veličine
  • 400 grama mlevenog mesa (junetina i svinjetina, pola-pola)
  • 300 grama pirinča (prethodno skuvan ili polu-skuvan, da skratimo vreme pripreme)
  • dve manje glavice crnog luka, sitno seckan
  • 2-3 čena belog luka, krupnije seckan
  • ravna kašičica aleve paprike
  • ravna kašičica biljnoig začina
  • so i biber po ukusu
  • dva paradajza naseckana na kockice 
  • 100 ml vode
  • 2 kašike ulja


  • čaša kisele pavlake (180ml)
  • dve kašike majoneza
  • 4 kašike rena
  • šaka sitno seckanog svežeg peršuna
  • so i biber po ukusu

Vreme pripreme: 45 minuta.
Težina: srednje teško.

Najpre spremimo nadev. Sitno iseckamo crni luk. Kratko ga pržimo, dok ne postane staklasto providan. Dodamo meso, pržimo dok ne promeni boju. Dodamo prethodno skuvan pirinač. Dodamo beli luk i začine. Pržimo još par minuta i sklonimo sa vatre.

Pripremimo tikvice. Svakoj odesečemo krajeve, a onda je presečemo po polovini. Od svake dobijemo dve, koji mogu da stoje na užem delu, kao ove dve na slici. Sada ih izdubimo kafenom kašičicom. Izvadimo sav onaj deo sa semenkama. U svaku treba da stane stotinak grama nadeva. Poređamo ih, tako napunjene, uspravno u dublju glinenu posudu za pečenje u rerni. Podlijemo ih čašom vode u koju dodamo dve kašike ulja i sitno seckan paradajz. To će nam biti sos. U rernu na 180-200 stepeni C, oko 30 minuta.

Poslužimo uz pavlaku sa renom, majonezom i svežim peršunom.

Stuffed Zucchini

Serves for 4:

  • 4 medium-size zucchini
  • 400 grams of minced meat (beef and pork)
  • 300 grams of rice (pre-cooked or semi-cooked, to shorten the cooking time)
  • two small onions, finely chopped
  • 2-3 cloves garlic, chopped 
  • teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • teaspoon herbal seasoning 
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • two tomatoes chopped into cubes
  • 100 ml of water
  • 2 tablespoons oil


  • cup sour cream (180ml)
  • two tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • 4 tablespoons horseradish
  • handful of finely chopped fresh parsley
  • salt and pepper to taste

Preparation time: 45 minutes.
Weight: moderate.

First, prepare the stuffing. Finely chop onion. Briefly fry it until it becomes glass-like transparent. Add the meat, fry until it changes color. Add the pre-cooked rice. Add the garlic and spices. Fry for a few minutes and remove from heat.

Prepare zucchini. Cut of both tops, and then we cut them into halves. To get two pieces, who can stand on the narrow end, as the two in the picture. Now you scoop out  middle part of zucchini with a teaspoon. Take out the part with the seeds. Each zucchini should fit a hundred grams of filling. Arranges them into the deeper roasting pan. Pore in a glass of water, then add two tablespoons of oil and finely chopped tomatoes. That's going to be a gravy. Bake them In the oven at 180-200 degrees F, about 30 minutes.

When you serve them put some tomato sauce from the bottom of the roasting pan onto the top of each zucchini.

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