недеља, 1. јул 2012.

Letnje punjene paprike

Stuffed bell peppers. English translation at the bottom of this page. Za četiri osobe:

  • četiri zelene babure
  • 600 grama mlevene junetine
  • dve glavice crnog luka
  • dva čena belog luka + dva za sos + jedan za dodatak
  • jedan krompir
  • dva paradajza
  • so, biber, aleva paprika
  • 4-5 kašika maslinovog ulja
  • čaša kiselog mleka
  • manji krastavac - narendan
  • svež bosiljak
  • origano

Težina pripreme: lako!

U tiganj sipati maslinovo ulje, oko 4 kašike. Dodati naseckan crni luk i kratko propržiti. Dodati mlevenu junetinu i dva čena belog luka (sitno seckana). Pržiti 10-ak minuta, dok ne promeni boju. So, biber i aleva paprika po ukusu. Dobijenom smesom napuniti babure. Zatvoriti kolutom isečenog krompira. Staviti ih uspravno u pogodnu šerpu i dodati dva prsta vode. U vodu dodati naseckan paradajz i dva krupnije seckana čena belog luka. Poklopiti i ostaviti da se krčka 1 sat ("na jedinicu"). I to je to.

Kad ih serviramo na vrh dodamo saft iz šerpe (od paradajza i belog luka) i svež bosiljak.

Za prilog izmešati kiselo mleko, narendan krastavac, sitno iseckan čen belog luka. So, biber i malo origana.

Po serviranju sve poprskati sa još malo devičanskog maslinovog ulja.

Stuffed bell peppers
Serves for 4:

  • four green bell peppers
  • 600 grams of ground beef
  • two onions
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic 
  • one potato
  • two tomatoes
  • salt, pepper, cayenne pepper
  • 4-5 tbsp olive oil
  • cup of yogurt
  • small cucumber - grated
  • fresh basil
  • oregano

In a frying pan add some olive oil, about 4 tablespoons. Add chopped onion and fry briefly. Until translucent. Add ground beef and two cloves of garlic (finely chopped). Fry for 10 minutes, until it changes color. Salt, pepper and cayenne pepper to taste. Fill your bell peppers with this mixture. Close with a slice of potato. Place them upright in a suitable pan and add two fingers of water. In the water, add chopped tomatoes and coarsely chopped  two cloves of garlic. Cover and simmer for 1 hour at the low temperature.

When you serve them, put some gravy from the bottom of the pan (tomato and garlic) and garnish with fresh basil.

Mix  yogurt, grated cucumber, finely chopped clove of garlic. Salt, pepper and a little oregano. Serve beside the bell peppers.

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