четвртак, 22. март 2012.


Szechuan "shrimps". English translation at the bottom of this page.

Sastojci, za dve osobe:
  • dva pakovanja smrznutih, paniranih imitacija škampa - surimi
  • jedna šargarepa (sečena kao "čajna")
  • jedna šaka na trake naseckanog ljubičastog kupusa
  • 5-6 šampinjona iseckanih na listiće
  • manji krastavac, na polu-kolutove
  • dva čena belog luka, seckanog na listiće
  • 3-4 supene kašike sosa od ostriga
  • 3-4 supene kašike nekog čili sosa
  • 2 kašike soja sosa
  • kašika braon šećera (ili meda)
  • pola šolje vode
  • ravna kašika gustina 

Za dodatak:
  • šoljica pirinča 
  • dve i po šolje vode

Vreme pripreme: 30 minuta.
Težina: lako.

Dva pakovanja smrznutih, paniranih imitacija škampa – surimi, kratko pržiti u wok-u. Izvaditi i staviti na papirni ubrus, da se ocede od viška ulja. Propržiti šampinjone. Dodati šargarepu, ljubičasti kupus, krastavac i beli luk, te pržiti još dva minuta. Izmešati podjednake količine sosa od ostriga i nekog čili sosa (po tri-četiri supene kašike) i malo soja sosa. Preliti povrće i šampinjone. U pola šolje vode razmutiti ravnu kašičicu gustina (skroba) pa dodati u wok. Kuvati kratko, dok se sos ne zgusne i postane staklasto-providan. Vratiti “škampe” u vok i promešati.

Pirinač najpre više puta (10) isprati hladnom vodom (ili stavite u cediljku pa pod slavinu). Na šolju pirinča dve i po šolje vode. Kad provri smanjiti na "jedinicu" i kuvati dok sva voda ne izvri i pirinač nabubri. Neka bude "na zub".

Koje piće ide uz azijatsku kuhinju? Pivo?

Nisam previše ponosan na ovu imitaciju recepta, mada sumnjivo podseća na "prave" škampe iz jednog kineskog restorana.

Szechuan ’’Shrimps’’

This are not  actually shrimps. For two servings:

  • two packages of frozen, breaded shrimp imitation – surimi
  • 100 ml of sunflower oil, for frying 
  • 1 tablespoon peanut oil
  • 5-6 mushrooms chopped into slices
  • 1 carrot roughly cut 
  • a handful of roughly chopped purple cabbage
  • 1 small cucumber, chopped into circles
  • two cloves garlic, chopped into slices
  • 3-4 tablespoons oyster sauce
  • 3-4 tablespoons chili sauce
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar (or honey)
  • half a cup of water
  • 1 tablespoons of cornstarch
  • 1 cup of rice
  • two and a half cups of water

Preparation time: 30 minutes.
Level: easy.

Two packages of frozen, breaded shrimp imitation - surimi, briefly fry in wok, in a lot of oil. Remove surimi from wok, place them on paper towel to drain of all the excess oil, and keep them worm. Also remove all the excess oil from wok. Pour in 1 tablespoon of peanut oil and put mushrooms to sauté for about 10 minutes. Turn the heat to a maximum; add carrots, purple cabbage, cucumber and garlic and fry for another two minutes. Mix equal amounts of oyster sauce and chili sauce, little soy sauce and 1 tablespoon of brown sugar or honey. Pour over vegetables and mushrooms. In half a cup of water, stir a teaspoon of cornstarch and add to the wok. Cook briefly, until the sauce thickens and becomes translucent. Return "shrimp" in the wok and stir.

Rinse rice with cold water (about 10 times, or place in a strainer under the running water). For a cup of rice you’ll need two and a half cups of water. Put the rice in water and get to a boil. Then low your temperature to a minimum and slowly cook until all water is gone. Make it al dente.

I'm not too proud of this recipe imitation, though the taste is suspiciously similar to some "real" shrimp from one Chinese restaurant.

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