уторак, 28. мај 2013.

Mafini sa jogurtom i medom

Za 10-ak mafina:

  • 5 kašika meda
  • 50 grama maslaca
  • 2 dl jogurta
  • 1 jaje
  • narendana kora od jednog limuna
  • 0,5 dl soka od limuna
  • 150 grama integralnog pšeničnog brašna
  • 150 grama belog pšeničnog brašna
  • 1,5 kašičica sode bikarbona
  • pola kašičice muskatnog oraha
  • 5 kašika šećera u prahu
  • kesica šarenih bombona
  • perle

Vreme pripreme: oko 30 minuta.
Težina: srednje-teško.

Rastopiti med i maslac pa ostaviti da se ohladi. Posebno umutiti jogurt, jaje, limunov sok i koru. Dodati mešavinu meda i maslaca pa sve izmešati. 

U posudu za mešenje sipati obe vrste brašna, sodu bikarbonu i muskatni orah. Dodati prethodno napravljenu smesu, pa sve dobro promešati mikserom. Izliti smseu u silikonske kalupove za mafine i peći 25 minuta u rerni prethodno zagrejanoj na 190 stepeni C.

Mi smo ih premazali medom pa na njega zalepili bombone i perle. A može i ovako: 5 kašika šećera u prahu izmešati sa kašičicom vruće vode; preliti mafine; zalepiti bombone.

Yoghurt & honey muffins

For 10 muffins:

  • 5 tablespoons honey
  • 50 grams of butter
  • 2 dl yoghurt
  • 1 egg
  • grated zest of one lemon
  • 0.5 dl lemon juice
  • 150 grams of whole wheat flour
  • 150 grams of white flour
  • 1.5 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • half a teaspoon of nutmeg
  • 5 tablespoons powdered sugar
  • bags of colorful candy
  • beads

Preparation time: 30 minutes.
Weight: medium-hard.

Melt honey and butter and leave to cool. Whisk yogurt, egg, lemon juice and rind. Add a mixture of honey and butter and stir all together.

Mix both types of flour, baking soda and nutmeg. Add pre-made ​​mixture, and stir all with electric mixer. Pour mixture in silicon molds for muffins and bake for 25 minutes in an oven pre-heated to 190 degrees C.

Mix 5 tablespoons powdered sugar mixed with a teaspoon of hot water; pour over muffins; stick candy.