петак, 4. јануар 2013.

Piletina sa susamom

English translation at the bottom of this page.
Za 4 osobe:

  • 800 grama pilećeg belog mesa
  • kašičica mlevenog kumina
  • so i biber po ukusu
  • dva jaja
  • 100-ak grama brašna
  • kesica susama
  • dve kašičica kima
  • ulje za prženje

Za sos:

  • 50 ml soka od paradajza
  • dve kašike soja sosa
  • 2-3 crvene ljute papričice ( naseckane na kolutiće, sa semenkama)
  • kašičica sitno rendanog đumbira
  • dve kašičice soka od limete
  • kašičica žutog šećera
  • kašičica meda
  • so i biber po ukusu
  • dve kašičice sitno seckanog svežeg peršuna (i/ili korijander)

Vreme pripreme: oko 45 minuta.
Težina srednje teško.

Piletinu iseći na pogodne komade (ja sam se odlučio za duguljaste, kao na slici). Posoliti, pobiberiti i dodati kašičicu mlevenog kumina, da lepo obloži sve parčiće. Neka stoje 10-ak minuta u frižideru. U jedan tanjir staviti brašno, u drugi umućena jaja, a u treći susam i kim. Piletinu najpe u brašno, pa u jaja, pa u susam, i najzad u tiganj na prženje. Kada lepo porumene, odložiti ih na papirni ubrus da se ocede od viška ulja.

Za preliv, samo izmešati pomenute sastojke.

Sesame chicken

For 4 servings:
  • 800 grams of chicken white meat
  • Teaspoon ground cumin
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Two eggs
  • 100 grams of white flour
  • Sesame, 200 grams
  • Two teaspoons caraway
  • Oil for frying

For the sauce:
  •  50 ml of tomato juice
  • Two tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 2-3 red chili peppers (chopped into rings, with seeds)
  • Teaspoon finely grated ginger
  • Two tablespoons of lime juice
  • Teaspoon of brown sugar
  • Teaspoon of honey
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Two tablespoons finely chopped fresh parsley (and / or coriander)

Preparation time: about 45 minutes.
Weight: moderate.

Cut chicken into pieces (as in the picture). Season with salt, pepper and a teaspoon of ground cumin. Let it stand for 10 minutes in the refrigerator. Take three plates. Put some flour in the first one, whipped eggs in the second one and sesame and caraway in the third one. Put chicken in flour, then in eggs, then in sesame seeds, and finally into the hot oil. When the chicken is nicely browned, put it on a paper towel to drain.

For the dressing, just mix the mentioned ingredients.