субота, 28. април 2012.

Tajlandska pileća supa sa kokosovim mlekom

Thai chicken coconut soup. English translation at the bottom of this page.

Ovu supu sam probao u jednom azijatskom restoranu. U originalu: Thai chicken coconut soup. Kasnije sam provalio da se supe sa ovim sastojcima (limunska trava, lišće od kefir limete, fiš sos, limeta, kokosovo mleko, galangal...), zovu Tom Yum. Ova sa piletinom bi bila Tom Yum Gai. Može se praviti i sa škampima. Staviću originalne sastojke i napisaću kako ja "imitiram" ovu supu. Inače vrlo uspešno. Rekao bih 90%. Fali mi samo citrusna svežina limunske trave. Za 4 osobe:

  • 400 grama pilećeg belog mesa - iseckano na krupnije kocke
  • 100-ak grama šampinjona - iseckanih na listiće (možda šitake ili lisičare)
  • galangal - neka rizomska biljka slična đumbiru, 1-2 oljušten i naseckan na listiće (Ovo bi bio originalni sastojak kojeg u trenutku spremanja nisam imao pa sam naseckao kelerabu - nema veze jedno sa drugim ali može da prođe; mogla bi i čičoka koja se može  povremeno naći na pijaci, navodno lek za dijabetes - 1 do 2 oljušten i naseckan na listiće) 
  • limunska trava i kaffir lime lives (odnosno lišće od kefir limete) - takođe nisam imao (Koristio sam sušenu limunsku travu, ima malo te citrusne arome, ali mogu da zamislim kako je dobra sveža. U supi i tako dominiraju limeta, đumbir i kokos pa se nedostatak tri prethodna sastojka neće mnogo primetiti.)
  • 2 zelene ljute papričice - sitno seckane
  • čen belog luka - sitno seckan
  • sok od pola limete (ili 3 kašike gotovog soka)
  • fish sauce - 3 do 4 kašike (ima ga u Veru i kod Kineza u Bloku 70, i nema nikakvih prednosti u odnosu na soja sos)
  • 2 kašičice narendanog svežeg đumbira
  • 500 ml pilećeg bujona (iskuvana piletina i povrće - šargarepa, celer, paškanat, crni luk... ili jednostavno pileća kocka za supu)
  • konzerva kokosovog mleka
  • malo mladog crnog luka za dekoraciju, ili vlašac
  • malo svežeg peršuna, ili korijander
  • so i biber po ukusu

Vreme pripreme: oko 1 sat.
Težina: srednje-teško.

Ovo je dakle, domaća varijanta poznate tajlandske tom yum supe, spremljena sa dostupnim sastojcima. Iako sam prvi put bio razočaran nedostatkom autentičnih sastojaka, supa je ispala odlična. Gotovo identična jednoj koju sam probao u nekom restoranu. Spremao sam je do sada 4-5 puta, sa različitim sastojcima i čini mi se da je najvažnija kombinacija: ljuta papričica, limeta, đumbir i kokosovo mleku. Diže iz mrtvih.

Piletinu (pileće belo) iseći na krupnije kocke, šampinjone i kelerabu na listiće (sa kelerabom sam improvizovao, mogla bi čičoka). Kratko propržiti (dok šampinjoni ne omekšaju a piletina lako ne porumeni). Dodati đumbir (svež, narendan, oko 2 supene kašike), ljutu papričicu (zelenu, sitno seckanu) i biber, pa pržiti još par minuta. 

Naliti bujonom (500ml, od pileće kocke za supu), dodati soja sos (4-5 supene kašike svetlog soja sosa) i pustiti da vri 15-20 minuta. Na kraju dodati sok od limete (dve kašike) i kokosovo mleko (iz konzerve, oko 200ml - Vero, Roda, Merkator), promešati i servirati. U svaku činiju za serviranje dodati svež peršun i na trakice naseckan zeleni deo mladog crnog luka. Cvet ruzmarina se tu našao slučajno, u sredini za pun vizuelni efekat.

Thai chicken coconut soup

I tasted this soup in one Thai restaurant in Oslo Norway. Original title: Thai chicken coconut soup. Later I figured that the soup with this ingredients (lemon grass, kefir lime leavesr, fish sauce, lime, coconut milk, galangal ...), was also called Tom Yum. This would be the Chicken Tom Yum or Tom Yum Gai. It also can be made with shrimps – Tom Yum Goong. For 4 servings:
  • 400 grams of chicken white meat - cut into bigger pieces
  • 100-odd grams of mushrooms - chopped into slices (maybe shiitake)
  • 2 tablespoon of peanut oil
  • galangal - a plant similar to ginger, but different in taste, peeled and chopped 1-2 sliced (This was the original ingredient I didn’t have)
  • fresh lemongrass and kaffir lime lives (This two ingredients  I also didn’t have.  I used dried lemon grass. If you have fresh lemongrass, take two sticks, beat them a little with a cooking hammer and put them in the boiling water along with the other ingredients. Same with the kaffir lime lives.  You could take them out latter. Don’t worry about these original ingredients which I couldn't find. Although, they would certainly give a specific note to the soup. I can say that my soup was almost the same as the one from the restaurant. Say 90% match. It seems to me that the most important thing in this soup is a combinations of: hot peppers, lime, ginger and coconut milk. Rises from dead.)
  • 2 green chilies - finely chopped
  • 1 red chili for decoration
  • 1 clove of garlic - finely chopped
  • juice of half a lime
  • fish sauce - 3 to 4 tablespoons
  • soy sauce - 2  tablespoons (or to  taste)
  • 2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger
  • 500 ml of chicken broth
  • can of coconut milk
  • few green onions for decoration
  • some fresh parsley and cilantro
  • salt and pepper to taste

Preparation time: about 1 hour.
Weight: moderate.

In a wok, with little beat of peanut oil, sauté chicken and mushrooms.  Briefly, until mushrooms are soft and the chicken is lightly browned. Add about 2 teaspoons of freshly grated ginger, finely chopped green hot peppers, and freshly grounded bleck pepper. Fry for another few minutes.

Pour the chicken broth. Add soy sauce and fish sauce. Bring it to boil. If you have it, now is the time for galangal, kefir lime leaves, and lemongrass. Let it simmer for 15-20 minutes. Now you can take out lemongrass. Finally, add the lime juice (two tablespoons) and about 200ml of coconut milk.  Simmer for 10 more minutes, add fresh parsley and cilantro, and serve.